London Has Fallen (2016)


In Theaters: 4 March 2016 (USA)
Genre: Action | Crime | Thriller
Rating: R
Director: Babak Najafi
Writers: Katrin Benedikt, Christian GudegastCreighton Rothenberger


After the British Prime Minister has passed away under mysterious circumstances, all leaders of the Western world must attend his funeral. But what starts out as the most protected event on earth, turns into a deadly plot to kill the world’s most powerful leaders and unleash a terrifying vision of the future. The President of the United States, his formidable secret service head and an English MI-6 agent who trusts no one are the only people that have any hope of stopping it.

Gerard Butler as Mike Banning
Radha Mitchell as Leah
Morgan Freeman as Speaker Trumbull
Charlotte Riley as
Angela Bassett as Lynn Jacobs
Jackie Earle Haley as Deputy Chief Mason
Aaron Eckhart as Benjamin Asher
Melissa Leo as Secretary of Defense Ruth McMillian
Robert Forster as General Edward Clegg


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