Interview: Gerard Butler delivers his preferences for Glamurama

Hollywood actor, famous, rich and beautiful hurting: who better than Gerard Blutler to be the face of an advertising campaign? Yeah, he had a trip to Brazil rightfully so! Gerard arrived on Tuesday of last week to São Paulo to record a commercial for a brand of cars and, since then, in the pauses of the recordings, took the opportunity to give a few laps by gardens and have a ball at a steakhouse of. Halfway through the run, the star got a little time in the tight schedule for a VAPT-vupt chat with Glamurama about cars, travel and a certain female body part that is your favorite. You want to know what? Cola in the interview!

Glamurama: How have been your days in São Paulo?
Gerard Butler: They have been great. I have filmed and paced enough, found many friends …

Glamurama: You have many Brazilian friends?
Gerard Butler: Yes, I have many friends here and that’s how I started my relationship with Brazil. I have come to call for Rio de Janeiro a lot of times, and I had the pleasure of meeting a few years ago Fernando de Noronha, which is a place that always wanted to go; people talked so much about there. I always find someone known when I come here. Right now, I was going through the front desk and a friend I had not seen for a long time stopped me and started talking. He then took me to eat a wonderful barbecue.

Glamurama: By the way, have any restaurant that you like here in Brazil to indicate?
Gerard Butler: I do not remember a lot of names, but this time I’m here ate at two great restaurants. One was a Japanese, Nagayama, was with some friends, and it was super fun. And yesterday I ate the most delicious barbecue I have ever experienced in life, Balcony [in Jardim Paulista].

Glamurama: You came here to record a commercial for a car brand. What is your relationship with cars?
Gerard Butler: I like adventures, going on long trips. In fact I feel like driving all over the world and already I drove for 26 US states. I and a former girlfriend once crossed the country three times. We went from Los Angeles to Miami, from Miami to Chicago from Los Angeles to Chicago and others that do not even remember … I have a friend that every time I finish a movie, we’ll make an adventure to bike, sometimes of car. The important thing is to drive, go around.

Glamurama: Is there anyone in particular that I would like to take in your car?
Gerard Butler: I think you can lead anyone! (Laughs) But I think it would take my pug [the puppy superstar].

Glamurama: Do you miss it [the dog]?
Gerard Butler: A lot! Sometimes I take her to the movie sets, but as it is a small puppy, take to avoid long distances. She does not like to spend much time in the car. Now she is in my house in Los Angeles, but I have many memories of her. I’m Lolita 9 years ago, and when I first saw it, I was scared if I could take care of a living being so small, the Lolita was only three months. But since then, I have been able to handle the situation (laughs!).

Glamurama: Just curious … what part of your body do you like?
Gerard Butler: I think the first thing has to be the eyes, because they talk a lot about who you are. So I guess my eyes are.

Glamurama: And the head down?
Gerard Butler: Legs!

Glamurama: And in the body of women?
Gerard Butler: Definitely legs! I am “legmen” (laughs). I go crazy with legs!

Glamurama seized and photographed Gerad Butler closely, an x-ray heartthrob from head to toe. Go!

Source  Translation via Google

Becozy fell under Gerry’s spell when she watched Phantom of The Opera for the first time in May 2005, while recovering from knee surgery. She was smitten with the Phantom from the moment his face appeared in the mirror, falling in love during the Music of the Night. After searching the internet for information about the actor able to cast such a spell, she discovered Gerard Butler. Her life, and that of her family, hasn’t been the same since. With Gerry as a common bond, becozy has an expanding world of cyber and real friends.  Her family has greeted her new found ‘hobby’ with enthusiasm and her new friends with a warm welcome. Happily, her husband and two (now adult) children share her admiration of Gerry. Her family knows and understands all Gerry references in their correct context. Mention 3AM, camels, or yellow towels, for example and you’ll get a knowing nod! Over ten years later, as much time as possible each day is spent in the care and nurturing of her Addiction. It is a delicate balancing act to fulfill her duties as wife and mom and her duties as a GAL, but one she is determined to master.


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