
Becozy fell under Gerry’s spell when she watched Phantom of The Opera for the first time in May 2005, while recovering from knee surgery. She was smitten with the Phantom from the moment his face appeared in the mirror, falling in love during the Music of the Night. After searching the internet for information about the actor able to cast such a spell, she discovered Gerard Butler. Her life, and that of her family, hasn’t been the same since. With Gerry as a common bond, becozy has an expanding world of cyber and real friends.  Her family has greeted her new found ‘hobby’ with enthusiasm and her new friends with a warm welcome. Happily, her husband and two (now adult) children share her admiration of Gerry. Her family knows and understands all Gerry references in their correct context. Mention 3AM, camels, or yellow towels, for example and you’ll get a knowing nod! Over ten years later, as much time as possible each day is spent in the care and nurturing of her Addiction. It is a delicate balancing act to fulfill her duties as wife and mom and her duties as a GAL, but one she is determined to master.

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Gerry at Tony Robbins 60th Birthday event at Microsoft Center in LA 2/29/20

Gerry joined in to celebrate Tony Robbins 60th Birthday celebration at the Microsoft Theater in LA. on 2/29/20.

@Olymp announces charity collaboration with @GerardButler

OLYMP announces Charity collaboration with Gerry and Photo Op in Stutgart on March 26, 2020.

Gerry attends “Burden” Premiere in Hollywood 2/2720

Media roundup-Gerry attended the premiere of "Burden" in West Hollywood, thurs. Feb. 27, 2020.

Gerry at”Cinema for Peace” Gala in Berlin – media roundup

Gerry was presented with an award for his work with Mary's Meals at the "Cinema for Peace" Gala on Sunday, during the 70th Berlinale Film Festival. Media Roundup.

Great news: @Gerard Butler’s “Remote Control” German rights acquired by Leonine

Leonine has pre-bought German-speaking rights to Gerard Butler action-thriller Remote Control, which is being sold internationally by STX. This is the biggest deal reported so far at this year’s EFM. 2/22/20

Gerry at Berlin Film Festival 2020 media roundup

Gerry's at the EFM for "Remote Control" at the Berlin Film Festival . Media roundup, updated as available.

Roundup of Gerry’s Social Media posts for #FestinaAlwaysFits #WearAWatch

Gerry's the Ambassador for Festina watches, and besides posing for photoshoots and videos for ads, he posts various social media images relating to his lifestyle, remind us that #FestinaAlwaysFits and to #WearAWatch.

Gerry for #FestinaAlwaysFits #WearAWatch video “Whoa”

Festina 30 second TV Spot. Date shows up to Gerry's place, "Whoa" he says apprciatively - he then goes to pick a watch from his Festina collection to wear for the night.



Trevor Morris scoring “Hunter Killer”

Trevor Morris, who also wrote the sceores for Gerry's Olympus Has Fallen and London Has Fallen, is in studio recording his score for Hunter Killer.

Social Media Roundup August 2019 updated as available

Social Media August 2019 including Atlanta, Greenland filming, Comrie, words of advice note to fan. Updated as available.

#HunterKiller B-Roll

Hunter Killer B-roll courtesy Summit Premiere, a Lionsgate Company.

Gerry’s latest Ford print ad: Yes, adrenaline IS the fuel that makes the GALS world MOVE!

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Gerard Butler answers Buzz Feed’s Thirst Tweets!

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