Suzie – Moderator

Suzie discovered Gerard Butler while watching the movie, Timeline. She immediately lost her heart to the heroic but romantic Andre’ Marek. A short time later she saw Phantom of the Opera and nearly swooned when she discovered the gorgeous Phantom was also her beloved Andre’ Marek . After lurking on GALS for a while she finally joined in February of 2006. Her reluctance to join was understandable since she hadn’t joined a fan club since the Every Brothers in 1957! But she had a feeling that discovering Gerry Butler would be life changing.

Suzie was an Air Force brat who traveled the world during her young years. Of course, when she married, she married a member of the Air Force. Unfortunately, not the right one! After 15 not great years and one wonderful son, she divorced and met the RIGHT one!

She and her soulmate, Gene, lived mostly in Northern California where they raised her teenaged son and HIS teenaged son who, they discovered, were born in the same hospital just a couple of months apart! Military life is a very small community! After 20 years, they relocated to Suzie’s hometown of San Antonio Texas. She had worked in the Finance field for over 40 years and finally retired from Mortgage Banking in 2004 to take care of her precious man during his last year. In November, 2005, Gene was lost to cancer. By that time, thankfully, Suzie had discovered Gerry fandom and GALS and she claims her new friends and her family helped her to survive.

Suzie’s focus now remains Gerry and GALS and her Spanish/Irish family. She says “some of my family are loving, some are grouchy, some are goofy – all are well loved and interesting.” Her three grown grandchildren make her proud every single day! She also has two canine furbabies, including a wacky Bischon puppy named Butler . It goes without saying, he is the troublemaker of the family!

What little time Suzie has for hobbies is spent reading and watching old movies (and Gerry ones!). She has a large collection of books and a huge collection of DVDs. She loves SciFi movies and is a Doctor Who fan. When at home she is interested in interior decorating and design and gets frustrated when her ideas are bigger than her bank balance which she laughingly says is just unfair!

Suzie also loves to travel every chance she gets and recently spent two weeks exploring England and Scotland. She looks forward the annual trip to Las Vegas for the GALS Charity Convention which allows her to catch up with her GALS FANmily and at the same time support wonderful causes like The Shade Tree Shelter.

Suzie is interested in all things Gerry – therefore she loves her computer and her lifeline to GALS! She loves the pictures, the articles, the movies, the Gerryisims and the interviews. She also loves all the friends she has made here, many of whom have become treasures of the heart. She feels her association with Gerrydom and GALS have been truly wonderful gifts and make every day something to look forward to!